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Book cover featuring Two women looking out over the beach

Straight Girls Don’t Cry

She’d lost almost everything…until a family found her.

Canny, well, she goes by her last name because Rose never fit her anyway, is getting by week to week–and sometimes, table to table–after dropping out of art school. So what if she’s talented. Life isn’t supposed to work out for the daughter of an addict and get-rich-quick (get-broke-quicker) schemer.

Still Canny believes in humanity and helps out an overwhelmed mom of three, Ella, struggling to enjoy a meal out with a useless husband, Callahan. Ella offers Canny a nanny job, but she has reservations–and no idea what a nanny does. Of course, she falls in love with the Three Amigos, and can’t believe her luck with Ella’s generous offer. She soon finds herself falling for Ella too. Useless Husband’s philandering pushes them together…but then drives them apart.

Will her lost chances and found family go the distance or end in agony ever after? 

Tropes: age-gap, divorce/infidelity; nanny romance; toaster oven, primary character with intellectual disabilities

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