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Book Cover, back of woman facing huge futuristic building

Rise & Converge

Rise & Converge Series: Book 3

#1 Bestseller

Overall this book series is just a touching and timely tale, relatable to all of us who empathize with others and find ourselves drawn several ways, trying to accomplish it all.

Amazon Reviewer
The luck stops here.

A double-wide dose of action and misadventure, Rise & Converge follows Ehra’s transition into Jett as she starts a new life in the nation’s capital, Cleveland. Her subversive policy proposal gets all the wrong attention as it threatens to upend society’s inequities. And pressures of public life brought on by friendly fire strain her fragile new relationship to the breaking point.

Plus, one wrong word could undo everything and thrust her back into a life of groveling and worse.

Will she be able to hold her tongue and her house together without revealing her identity while she changes the world forever? To rise, first you must burn…

Paperback now available for purchase at Malaprop’s Bookstore.

Rise & Converge (Rise & Converge Series Book 3)